Blog Finally, WriterZen, Your Simplified Content Workflow Software

Finally, WriterZen, Your Simplified Content Workflow Software

writerzen WriterZen
Content SEO Software Company
| May 06 | 8 min read
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Finally, WriterZen, Your Simplified Content Workflow Software

“Hey, Alex, 

We’ve received your payment and hope you're enjoying our software.” 

Nine months ago, Alex didn’t have any trouble receiving such subscription renewal emails. Today, it left a sour taste in his mouth. 

“Was I really enjoying this software,” he wondered, “and nine others I’ve subscribed to help my team create better, higher-ranking content?” 

The answer wasn’t far-fetched. 

Buying more software hadn’t brought his desired results. In short, Alex now had more challenges. Besides poorer team communication and worse content production workflows, ensuring writers followed editorial guidelines for quality content production was also a hurdle. 

If you can relate to Alex’s troubling thoughts, you’re not alone. 

The Content Marketing Institute’s 2021 Content Management & Strategy survey found most companies face these challenges, too:

Strategic Content Management Challenges from Content Marketing Institute

But of these challenges, content production workflow was the most prominent. It went from just 27% in 2020 to a whopping 45% in 2021, the report found. 

Here’s what this should tell you. 

More software at your disposal, like Alex had, would amount to nothing if they aren’t simplifying your content creation workflows. And that’s because, even with these tools, it still required so much manual effort for Alex to: 

  • Find relevant topics to build a solid strategy, 
  • Research, find, and cluster low-competition keywords, 
  • Do content research and create outlines, and 
  • The actual SEO-optimized writing.

A lot goes into all of these. 

So with all the moving parts, before buying more and more software, Alex should’ve asked, “would they improve my content creation workflow?”

Chamal R. was smart enough to ask this question when switching from Textmetrics to WriterZen

He shared this after making the switch: 

WriterZen review on Capterra

Mind you, prioritizing software that streamlines your content workflow goes beyond easing the writing process. It also affects your content strategy. 

That probably got you querying…

How Do Content Workflows Affect Content Strategy? 

Your content strategy is, at its core, a blueprint for achieving the goals and objectives for investing in any content program. But no matter how great this strategy is, you won’t achieve set goals without consistent content creation.

So next to every SEO content strategy you develop should be these questions: 

  • How do I leverage it to build topic clusters and scalable SEO campaigns? 

  • How do I find low-competition keywords to rank high faster?

  • How do I achieve long-term organic growth from search engines? 

  • And how do I consistently create SEO-optimized content to retain my organic search growth?  

Content workflows are at the core of answering these questions.

According to Conor Cawley,'s Senior Content Writer: 

“Because you’re attempting to develop a consistent content creation process, you can’t just jump right in and start producing. The goal is to get the whole team involved and informed on this new strategy, which means you need to keep track of every step along the way. This is where a [defined content workflow] will do wonders.”

Let’s revisit Alex for a moment. 

His strategy was to gain more organic search traffic and acquire leads by targeting low-competition, easier-to-rank keywords. Unfortunately, he failed to achieve these lofty goals. This wasn’t because he lacked tools, but because none had defined workflows for producing great content consistently. 

Mat Murray, Head of Marketing at XR Games, observed the importance of having a defined content creation workflow. 

He said

“A defined content workflow helps content marketing teams ensure:

  • Content is accurate, consistent, and timely,
  • Content outcomes and deadlines are achievable, and
  • Common content problems are addressed, e.g. bottlenecks and inconsistencies/errors.”

In other words, hitting your content strategy goals requires the consistent creation of exceptional content. And that, in turn, requires a defined content workflow. 

To make more sense of this, let’s: 

Understand What Goes Into Content Creation

Like you, more people are turning to content to drive business. 

And this means the bar for creating outstanding content is getting higher by the day. Today, anyone trying to wield the power of content to their business’ advantage must contend with over 6 million blogs published per day. 

That’s a lot. 

So much of the time bloggers spend on creating content continues to rise:

Bloggers are spending more time on each post every year from Orbit Media Studios

With over 67% more time spent per content in 2021 than in 2014, the study pointed at what’s going into creating content today. 

They include: 

  • Identifying and clustering content strategy topics,
  • Doing keywords research and clustering keywords per topic,
  • Researching and outlining content pieces, 
  • Creating the content, 
  • Optimizing created content, 
  • Performing plagiarism checks, and 
  • Publishing the content on your CMS. 

What Every Step in the Process Currently Looks Like

Time-consuming is the word. 

Orbit Media’s study also supports this after it found that

“Again and again, in statistic after statistic, the survey data shows that the bloggers who put in 10x efforts are winning. Frequency, consistency, visuals or length, the top bloggers are going big in some way. So it’s not surprising that time is the biggest challenge for most bloggers.” 

Again, take Alex, for instance. 

He implemented different tools for each step in the content creation process. While having various tools was a nice-to-have, none defined a workflow for his team to create exceptional content consistently. 

Instead, they overwhelmed his team and consumed more time. 

That’s likely your case if you’re still using different tools for every step in the content creation process. For most people, when developing a content strategy, they have one tool to find topics and a different one to cluster these topics. 

After that, you turn to another set of tools to research and find low-competition keywords. Then, a different one to cluster these keywords under topics hacked together in the strategy stage. 

And that’s just the beginning. 

When done, you switch to other software to research each content piece and create your outline. After which you turn to, maybe Google Docs, to write the content. Then, another software to optimize it, check for plagiarism, and so on:

WriterZen Simplified Content Workflow Software

What if you didn’t have to go through all these hurdles? 

What if you skipped these time-consuming processes with software pre-built with workflows to simplify crucial steps in your content creation process?

Well, it’s possible:  

WriterZen review on G2

The Need for Better, Simplified Content Workflows 

Experienced marketing consultant, Erin Balsa, has executed successful content marketing programs for big and small companies. 

She said this about the need to simplify workflows for content creation

“When everyone’s clear on the process, there are fewer miscommunications and delays. More importantly, it ensures you’re creating the right content, at the right volume, at the right time.”

In other words, with software pre-built with simplified content workflows, everyone on your team is clear on your content creation processes. Also, it ensures you’re creating the right content, at the right volume, and time. 

Optimized Content Creation WorkflowHere are just a few ways it does this. 

It Finds & Clusters Topics for Your Content Strategy Faster

Jason Gordon, CEO of CoreWeb, defines topic clusters as

“A group of interlinked pages on a website that addresses different areas of the same topic… Topic clusters demand that you focus less on keywords and more on specific topics. [Because by doing so], Google and other search engines will recognize [your site’s] content as an expert and an authority on that subject.”

Now, imagine you were offering content writing services. 

To build an authoritative content strategy and content marketing plan for your services, you must find and cluster topics relevant to “content writing.” Doing this is the first step before diving into keywords content in each topic cluster should target to build a group of interlinked pages. 

Before now, you needed a combination of many tools to find these topics, export them to a spreadsheet, then manually sort, and cluster them. 

WriterZen’s topic discovery workflow does it in a few clicks. 

Type in your seed keyword, and boom, you get broad, medium, or closely related and engaging topics (with insights and keywords) clustered for you:

Simplify Your Content Creation Workflow by Topic Discovery

It Eliminates Extensive Keyword Research Hours

Before he became Meta’s Global SEO Specialist, Pablo Villalpando had years of experience, leading the SEO function of a top agency. 

Despite these years of experience, Pablo admitted

“Keyword research takes around 10 days to complete before moving into the development of keyword strategy.”

If you’re like Alex, who used one software to research keywords and another one for clustering them, it’ll take even longer. 

But with software pre-built with keywords research workflows, you can eliminate such extensive keyword research hours. Say you wanted to research, filter low-competition queries, and create clusters for the keyword, wedding plan”.

On WriterZen, this is how to do keyword research: Just type the keyword and tick the options below: 

Simplify Your Content Creation Workflow by Keyword Explorer

WriterZen’s Keyword Explorer saves you ‌extensive keyword research time.

And that’s because in seconds, you’ll get the entire keyword strategy, complete with insights and ideas for prioritizing low-competition queries. 

In short, you get relevant keyword clusters without manual effort: 

Explore WriterZen's keyword research workflows

Explore WriterZen’s keyword research workflows

It Finds & Clusters Fast-Ranking Keywords in Minutes

Apart from saving you from extensive keyword research, WriterZen also helps you find and cluster keywords that rank faster through our Golden Filter. 

With this in place, you don’t just find queries people are searching for. 

When you craft them into content, they make it to SERPs faster and increase your organic traffic.

This Golden Filter works in two ways:

  • By Ranking Probability: Use this if your website has low domain authority. It filters up to 100 results that have low allintitle and low search volume.

Golden Filter from WriterZen simplifies your content workflow

  • By Potential Value: This metric fetches your keywords with high search volume and relatively high allintitle. Give it a shot if your website already has high rankings. 

Golden Filter from WriterZen Simplifies Your Content Workflow By Potential Value

Now, let’s plug in the keyword “wedding plan” again into WriterZen and see how the Golden Filter works:

Keyword Data for the Keyword “wedding plan” with Golden Filter

The goal of every keyword research is to craft discoverable high-quality content readers connect with. And with WriterZen, this happens in a couple of clicks. 

Beyond this, you get a solid cluster of keywords, complete with ideas, and relevant information specific to each cluster without manual effort. 

Here’s a cluster for the keyword, “wedding plan”: 

Cluster for the keyword “wedding plan” with Golden Filter

Workflows Help You Create Content with Confidence

Here’s why this one is so crucial. 

The Content Marketing Institute reported over 46% of businesses would increase their content creation spending in 2022. And HubSpot’s study found the top three roles marketing leaders will prioritize hiring are content creators, managers, and strategists. 

In other words, businesses old and new are going all-in on content marketing.

With this expected competition, content workflows are essential for creating top-notch content. Besides this, an excellent one gives you the confidence to create search-informed content that’s benchmarked against competing content pieces and addresses what readers want. 

Again, WriterZen’s content creation workflow ticks those boxes and more. 

Take this content you’re reading.

I used WriterZen’s 3-step content workflow to research and benchmark it against competing pieces and to outline it with keywords and search queries relevant to my target audience (that’s you). And when drafting, I followed the workflow for optimizing it before publishing:

WriterZen Simplifies Your Content Creation Workflow

Besides this, each step in the process also has a set of, easy-to-follow workflows to guide you (and your team) in publishing high-quality content consistently. 

This holistic approach to creating content is why users love and are choosing WriterZen over competing alternatives:

WriterZen review on Capterra

WriterZen, the Simplified Content Workflow Software

Our Founder & CEO, Daniel Nguyen, was once like Alex. 

While running his marketing agency, Daniel experienced the downsides of finding topics, long keywords research and clustering hours, and struggling to collaborate on creating optimized content consistently while jumping from one software to another.  

So he thought to himself:

"What if we built software that simplified this whole process with easy-to-use workflows for anyone to create exceptional content consistently?" 

And that’s how WriterZen came about: 

WriterZen dashboard
As a product, we aren’t where we want to be yet. 

However, our keen interest in solving content creation issues and simplifying SEO workflows is the reason users like you are considering us over household alternatives:

WriterZen review on Capterra

WriterZen review on Capterra

Wanna see why users are giving WriterZen all these rave reviews?

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