Blog How to Create a Simplified SEO Workflow for Consistent Results

How to Create a Simplified SEO Workflow for Consistent Results

writerzen WriterZen
Content SEO Software Company
| May 25 | 10 min read
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How to Create a Simplified SEO Workflow for Consistent Results

Ankush didn’t know what to do anymore.

His teammates were stalling on client projects. It was as though his agency could no longer satisfy clients at the pace he wanted. 

Despite the many tools at their beck and call, creating a content strategy for SEO was becoming more time-consuming. 

There should be a better way to improve my agency’s SEO workflow,” he thought. “I need to speed things up and get results faster so clients won’t have a wrong impression about us.”

Now, let me ask you.

Besides producing high-quality content, what’s another critical area you must succeed in as the founder of an agency?

From Ankush’s story, it's ensuring your team members complete tasks on time to take up other projects and scale operations. And over 25% of SEO experts relate to this scaling problem as a challenge.

25% of SEO experts see scaling processes as a challenge

When founders realize this challenge, they jump on as many tools as possible. But jumping on different tools only makes the process more overwhelming, as Ankush’s story showed.

Brittany Ryan, Content Chief at Pointed Copywriting, said it best:

“When you're trying to research multiple topics for multiple clients across multiple niches with multiple SEO tools, the process can quickly become a nightmare.”

So, instead of investing in multiple software that would only compound the problem, adopt a single tool that simplifies your SEO workflow. 

Take this happy customer review:

WriterZen Review on Capterra

WriterZen review on Capterra

This guide will show you how to achieve results like the one in the review above with WriterZen‘s simplified content workflow software. Also, you’ll see how using it can increase your organic rankings while reducing your dependence on other tools.

SEO Workflow and Content Production

Achieving SEO success doesn’t end in rankings alone.

Elie Rosales, Content Marketer at SEOReseller explains:

“SEO success doesn’t only come in the form of rankings. In an agency’s case, it reflects on how you can deliver value consistently as the number of clients you handle multiplies.”

One thing that prevents an agency from delivering value consistently is the lack of a scalable SEO workflow. It’s the one critical element that makes the entire process come together. If your workflow isn’t solid, it’ll affect the team.

Hear it from Aaron Wittersheim, COO of Straight North:

“An SEO agency can become a victim of its own success. Such agencies struggle to produce SEO results as they take on a growing number of new clients and expanded campaigns from current ones. One of the big problems these agencies must solve is how to go about creating a scalable SEO workflow; when agencies lack a scalable workflow, their staff gets bogged down trying to produce work and results for new clients on top of all of their existing clients. The result of this is poor performance, client retention issues, high payroll expenses — or all three.”

Recall this was Ankush’s problem.

He had many tools, yet they slowed the pace of delivery and affected their ability to satisfy existing clients faster and take up new projects.  

A solid SEO workflow should have a set of repeatable activities carried out to complete the task of improving SEO, day in, day out. 

In the words of Nic Dell, Account Executive at seoClarity:

“A workflow doesn’t focus on organizational objectives, like increasing online sales, for example. Rather, it aims to help you complete a specific project…It defines the stakeholders in the project, their responsibilities, and timelines for completion.”

Here's an example of how it happens in a typical agency:

  • A content manager creates the content strategy and conducts keyword research to find target phrases. They also guide the rest of the content team on proper execution.
  • A content writer crafts high-quality content and optimizes them with relevant keywords and search phrases. 
  • An editor reviews the content to ensure it fits the brand style. 
  • The content manager runs the last on-page SEO to ensure the content is ready for optimization and starts working towards link building and other off-page activities.
  • The technical SEO department develops the page.

SEO is a multifaceted process that involves thoughtful planning and execution across all stages. And once you simplify how your teammates carry out their tasks,  you smash your goal of ranking and scaling.

How does this happen, you ask? 

Why a Simplified SEO Workflow is How to Scale

“We can no longer take up more clients. We’re at capacity.”

That’s one challenge agencies face

Maybe because all their talents are occupied, or their workflow doesn’t support scaling. One way to solve both problems, especially that of scaling, is to adopt a scalable SEO content workflow.

James Crabtree, Director of Complete White Label, describes it as:

“One where a) you can easily repeat the process, regardless of site authority, and b) you can teach the process to a new hire because it's so clear at each step. “

Here’s how having one benefits your organization:

WriterZen SImplified SEO Workflow

It Reduces Team Dependency

A simplified SEO workflow has structures that anyone can easily repeat, whether as a pro or a newbie. Adopting one for your agency means your teammates will carry out their duties without being too dependent on others. 

And in the end, you’ll be able to identify improvement areas among your team, train them to meet up with tasks, and eventually work without depending on anyone.

Animesh Das, SEO Analyst at FirstPrinciples, says this helps him and his team complete a task within a stipulated time.

According to him:

“To avoid any errors in the process, bringing all the departments on the same page following an organized SEO workflow is essential. That’s the prime vision we adhere to in the SEO workflow; one focused on repeating the activities that help draw results without fully depending on anyone.”

It Boosts Productivity

You say goodbye to unnecessary processes, delays, errors, and confusion with a simplified workflow. Also, there’ll be no need to juggle different tools to optimize content for search engines.

You won’t have to go back and forth, trying to make the most of data while struggling to meet up with deadlines and still maintain high quality.

Your teammates will not only reduce their dependency on one another. They’ll also depend less on multiple tools and eventually produce content faster.

A well-defined workflow lets you run your agency on autopilot while providing value to clients. Everyone will be efficient, and you’ll be able to measure tasks against specific objectives. 

It Brings Faster & Higher Rankings

According to the State of SEO Report 2021, over 43% of experts rated keyword ranking as the top metric for measuring SEO performance. 

43% of experts rated keyword ranking as the top SEO performance metric

This goes without saying the ultimate goal of any SEO workflow is to attain a good position on Google’s first page. 

And since 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines, ranking high has become more crucial for client satisfaction.

However, your ability to achieve this largely depends on how simplified your SEO workflow is.


When your teammates depend less on one another and execute tasks without delays, you’ll quickly achieve your goal of crafting high-quality content that ranks fast.

Having a simplified SEO workflow is soothing.

But tell you what’s more relieving?

When behind the simplicity and scalability of your workflow is one tool piecing everything together under one roof:

WriterZen Review on G2 Crowd

WriterZen review on G2

How to Create a Simplified SEO Workflow for Consistent Results

How a Scalable, Simplified SEO Workflow Helps 

Imagine how smooth your entire SEO processes would be if you had a simple workflow managing them.

You’ll have ample time to take up more clients and grow your revenue.

Why? Because there’ll be no unnecessary delays slowing your company’s pace and hindering the successful completion of tasks.

One reason for this delay is hacking different SEO tools from beginning to end.

Say your content manager has an overwhelming keyword research workflow because they have to switch tabs to use three or more tools at once.

Won’t that stall other departments from completing their tasks faster?

This makes it more vital to have a simplified content workflow software that eliminates an overwhelming SEO process.

And that’s where WriterZen shines.

It transforms your SEO workflow into a smooth, effective, and efficient one, from researching keywords to creating original and engaging content. It also increases your keyword ranking, which is the end goal of your SEO efforts.

WriterZen does this by ensuring you:

Save Time Identifying Topics for Your Content Strategy

SEO never works without content. And to create these content pieces, you first need to identify relevant topics to build your content strategy.

Max Benz, Founder & CEO at BankingGeek, couldn’t have said it any better:

“A successful SEO campaign begins with a solid content strategy. This involves conducting keyword research to identify the right keywords to target, and then planning and creating content optimized for those keywords.”

Instead of: 

  • Hacking different SEO tools, 
  • Importing and exporting data to spreadsheets, and 
  • Sorting and clustering them manually…

WriterZen’s Topic Discovery tool lets you use one keyword to identify relevant topics, cluster them, and build your content strategy in a short time. 

You only have to type in your seed keyword. And in a few seconds, you get broad, medium, or closely related topics (with insights and keywords) all clustered for you:

Enter your seed keyword in Topic Discovery

Say Goodbye to Extensive Keyword Research  

One irony in SEO content marketing?

The spread of keyword research tools and their data has complicated, instead of simplifying, the process. 

And in the end, as Pablo Villalpando, Meta’s Global SEO Specialist, admitted

“Keyword research takes around 10 days to complete before moving into the development of keyword strategy.”

You can eliminate the tedious processes by researching keywords with WriterZen’s Keyword Explorer tool.

Say you wanted to get insights about the keyword “content writing.”

Input it into the keyword explorer, and you’ll get this:

WriterZen Keyword Explorer will give you insights

All relevant insights staring back at you.

But there’s a plus.

WriterZen understands how crucial it is to target low-competition keywords for easy rankings.

It’s why we included the Golden Filter, which helps you find fast-ranking keywords in minutes that suit your SEO campaign.

With this Golden Filter, you target queries your users are searching for. And when you craft content focusing on these keywords, they’ll rank on SERPs faster and boost your organic traffic.

It works in two ways:

  • Ranking Probability: This comes in handy for low-authority websites. It allows you to filter up to 100 search results with a low allintitle. So, if you want keywords with ten or 20 allintitle, you only need to adjust the filter to fetch them. 

Here’s how it works for the keyword “content writing”:

WriterZen Golden Ratio by Ranking Probability

  • Potential Value: This works for high-authority websites. Use it to find both keywords with low allintitle, low search volume, and high allintitle, high search volume. 

Let’s try it out:

WriterZen Golden Ratio by Potential Value

Collaborate with Other Tools 

Suppose you (or your team) have already begun using another tool. It’s not a problem at all.

You can always do keyword research on other SEO tools and come to WriterZen for an automated process. 

Why’s this necessary, you ask? Why can’t you just do the research on the other tool without using WriterZen?

Well, some of these tools suck at clustering keywords under relevant topics. What’s worse is they require extra manual exporting and sorting in a spreadsheet. Thus, making the keyword research process cumbersome. 

Take SEMrush, for instance.

Although this tool provides vital insights during keyword research, it doesn’t eliminate the manual process of clustering keywords when creating a topic cluster content strategy.

So, you’ll still have to sort the results yourself to get relevant topics before exporting them to your spreadsheet for further analysis. 

Here’s a marketer’s experience while using the tool:

Semrush Review on G2 Crowd

Imagine your content manager had to go through this for 1000 keywords.

How exhausting would it be?

Instead of going through that stress when you research with other platforms, simply:

  • Export the keywords to a spreadsheet, 
  • Import them to WriterZen, and 
  • Find keyword clusters for crafting content.

You have two options to do this.

Either you copy the keywords from your spreadsheet and paste them into WriterZen’s Keyword Importer: 

WriterZen Keyword Importer

Or, you upload it as a .txt file:

You can upload txt file

Once the import is complete, you’ll find clusters for each keyword. 

And if you want to determine fast-ranking keywords in one sitting, the Golden Filter is right there for you.


Golden Ratio helps you determine fast-ranking keywords

Create & Optimize Content with an AI Assistant

According to the Content Marketing Institute, over 46% of businesses would increase their content creation spend in 2022.

The competition keeps increasing. One reason is that you can’t have a successful SEO campaign without steady content production.

But when your content team gets stuck on a project, it’ll affect your overall content workflow.

The solution?

An SEO tool that assists you in writing content with confidence.

Again, that’s where WriterZen shines.

Take this piece you’re reading.

Take this piece you’re reading.

We used WriterZen’s Content Creator to research top-ranking competitor articles and set up my outline. We also got Google auto-suggest insights and related queries that fit into the content.

Set up your outline

And while writing, we followed the workflow to optimize the content using the suggested improvement and overall score analysis:

Optimize the content using the suggested improvement and overall score analysis

And when we got stuck, we turned on the AI Assistant, picked from the many templates available to prompt myself with words.

WriterZen’s AI Writing Assistant goes beyond cranking out words.

It researches with you, spurs your creativity, and assists across your entire content creation process.

Simplify Your SEO Workflow with WriterZen

Let’s revisit Ankush, our fictional character, for a second.

His team’s slow delivery affected his ability to take up other clients and grow his company’s income.

Put yourself in his position and decide: 

Would you rather settle with a workflow that stalls your progress, or would you simplify it to scale your business?

If you’d go for the latter, WriterZen is your best bet:

WriterZen Review on G2 Crowd

WriterZen review on G2

How to Create a Simplified SEO Workflow for Consistent Results

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