
How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry

How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry

The creation of WriterZen was guided by the philosophy to enable marketers to get the best results using a consolidated workflow. The proven workflow and data-driven toolset combine to become the best approach for any SEO content strategy. Continue reading to know how Sbkits, a digital marketing agency, used WriterZen’s workflow to invade the top five ranks on Google.


The client


As a content marketing agency, SBKITS invested their time heavily in creating content strategies suited to the client philosophy. The complete process involved researching SEO keywords, building outlines, identifying information gaps and finally delivering the content. The process involved prolonged hours and could even stretch over days.


The problem


SBKITS trained their staff to manually research Quora, Reddit, and other similar sites to expand their understanding of the user intent. They enlisted the questions and ideas from different platforms and went through them one by one. Needless to say, going through such truckloads of data was beyond human capability. Furthermore, the time and efforts invested were not returned in the results, making the whole process seem rather futile.


The ideal solution SBKITS was looking for


There was room for improvement and making the process much more time-efficient. SBKITS started their search for perfect software that would simplify their approach. They went through several tools, but that would only solve one aspect. SBKITS needed something that would automatically go through the top articles for a seed keyword in minimum time and come up with the best content topics and ideas.


Implementing the WriterZen workflow


SBKITS started their journey with WriterZen to streamline their entire SEO process and achieve better results. The software is quick and capable of handling data and analyzing them within minutes. It categorized the information, pulled out metrics to back the decisions, and provided new ideas from user search intents.


Consider this example


While looking for keywords to use on the SBKITS team found the long tail keyword “pilot salary per month”. This keyword has low competition and yet was high in search volume. If they were to decide whether to include this keyword or not without any metrics, the team would have definitely let it go. They argued that this keyword is quite basic and seems obvious given the nature of the industry.

How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry

How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry

But the metrics that WriterZen pulled out showed a different story. The team found that this long-tail keyword is rarely included in blogs but rather in news articles. SKBITS jumped on to this keyword and hurriedly optimized our content. Surprisingly, they ranked first for this keyword and witnessed a huge increase in website traffic.

How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry

How SBKITS, a digital marketing agency, ranked within the five top searches on Google for keyphrases from the Aviation industry



The outcome


Within the first two months of using WriterZen, SBKITS noticed a gradual increase in website tracking. With sustained use for about five months, we ranked for keywords from the aviation industry within the top five Google results. 

SBKITS continues to enjoy their secure spot on the Google SERP and keep themselves updated with WriterZen’s workflow. Follow SBKITS's lead to discover more evidence-backed ideas with WriterZen to tip the SEO scales in your favor. 


WriterZen Enterprise

An end-to-end platform that consolidates your workflow, scales quality content, and effectively manages your writers
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