Blog Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

writerzen Daniel Nguyen
CEO and Founder of WriterZen
| Jul 26 | 7 min read
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Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

Daniel Nguyen | 15 min read

A stepwise guide to creating optimized content.

The foremost and most often overlooked roadblock to creating great content is planning (or lack thereof). Content that is not planned out properly becomes tedious to the creator, wastes valuable time in research and organization steps, and ultimately fails to rank well in SERPs.

But the story is very different when using WriterZen. The sole purpose of this tool is to help simplify the content creation process to its bare bones by offering you all the tools required to generate content on a single platform!

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

“So, how exactly do I use WriterZen to optimize workflow?” you might ask. Well, for the time being, you start with Topic Discovery and move forward from there with the essentials, as we’ll look at in more detail in this article. Moreover, here is how I answered the question in our second webinar

Nevertheless, there are plenty more workflows tailored for particular use cases in forthcoming updates. So stay tuned for more advanced tutorials!


Step 1: Discover untapped golden topics with Topic Discovery

As a content creator looking for a fresh start on a new project, the first order of business for you to look into is finding the most suitable topic for your content. This topic or heading could be as broad or niche as you like but must be relevant to your text content for the article to rank well.

The best approach for this is to run your speed on the Topic Discovery tool. Topic Discovery can be used:

    • To research your audience/demographic.
    • To research competitors.
    • To determine the popularity of a given topic.
    • To understand the current market sentiment surrounding your topic.

You can derive the best topics and subtopics for your content in two significant ways:

    • From competitor data within your target demographic.
    • From Google Insights directly.

Oftentimes these two search methods overlap since a competitor might have already done their due research to achieve their ranking. So, simply run your seed in Topic Discovery and look through the different topic insights for the most repeated keywords and highest search volumes. This represents topics that your target audience has searched for the most.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

For example, suppose you run a search for the seed “indoor plant” and see that most of the results for topics have a secondary keyword “snake plant” in them. In that case, you can safely assume that your topic intent of “indoor plant” should revolve around at least one subtopic of “snake plant” (since this is most commonly searched for secondary keyword under “indoor plant”). Similarly, you can look for other frequently searched topics to generate more subtopic ideas for your content about “indoor plant”. In this way, you have discovered the most optimal topic and many possible subtopics for your content.


Step 2: Keyword research made easy with Keyword Explorer

The next step after finding topics and subtopics for your content is to find a set of keywords around them that will help your content rank better in the SERP algorithm and drive organic traffic to your content. The Keyword Explorer tool will be your best friend in this matter - you can use it:

    • To find suitable Golden keywords for your seed/topic.
    • To calculate the estimated amount of sales when your keywords reach a certain position in the ranking by Revenue Forecast (Former ESKP config). 
    • To understand the popularity of your seed in a particular demographic.
    • To compare the competition of your seed to leading articles.
    • To thoroughly optimize your content for SERP.

The Keyword Explorer’s main objective is to discover keywords with a recommended Golden Keyword Score (below 1,618) with the Golden Filter system - a new upgrade from KGR (Keyword Golden Score) in the previous version of WriterZen. 

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

The lower the Golden Keyword Score, the greater chances of that keyword being recommended and vice versa. This new scoring system has an additional benefit. It will enable us to introduce another way to screen the Golden Keywords, that is by their potential value. 

In many of our previous articles like Keyword Research Simplified - Allintitle Checking and Keyword Golden Ratio, you must have seen how our old KGR formula worked. The formula either worked using the Allintitle number (less than 10 or 20) that represents keywords with high ranking probability in the top 10 or 20. 

In this new Golden Filter system, we also place a higher “punishment attribute” over keywords that have allintitle above 100 (meaning more than 100 competitors are trying to rank for that specific keyword). So, if there is a keyword that has allintitle data higher than 100, it will need to have a search volume of at least  5000 - 6000 to be considered as a Golden Keyword.

WriterZen users will now have the option of filtering their keywords in two different ways:

  • One by ranking probability (you can sort this by allintitle data up to 100) and the other by its potential value (using our scoring system). The first filtering technique will be better suited for the users who are new to SEO and do not possess enough resources or experience in the field. All they want is to know a quick and easy way to use high-ranking keywords to boost their organic growth.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

  • The latter filtering format - by potential value - will be fit for more experienced teams that run SEO campaigns on websites and are already well-established with rich resources and rankings. They are more or less ready to tackle more difficult keywords with higher potential and will not hesitate to invest in a long-term strategy. 

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

 You can also adjust the other filters (Exclude, Allintitle, Volume, etc.) to refine your search further. For example, you should exclude the keywords related to branding, local or navigational terms like “Tesla, Amazon, near me”, which are suitable to your SEO strategy. 

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow


With the keyword list, you have cultivated, Revenue Forecast (Former ESKP config) enables you to calculate the estimated amount of sales when your keywords reach a certain position in the ranking by entering some familiar metrics to your business: CR (Conversion rate), Average revenue/conversion (USD) and your Expected revenue/month (USD).

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

In this way, you can see a very concrete and realistic picture of the outcome before execution, thus adjusting your keyword strategy to realize the goals you set out.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow


After a few minutes of filtering, there is a compact list of ideal keywords relevant to your seed that are available to include in your writing! You can arrange these selected keywords into a list for further usage.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow


Step 3: Organise your keywords with Keyword Cluster Function

Option 1: You can use Auto-Clustering Function right in Keyword Explorer, to cluster selected Golden keywords right away, with a pre-selected level of similar results in the top 10 of SERPs.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

Option 2: Once the Golden keywords have been decided, you can add them to your list of keywords to include for your topic and start refining them. The Keyword Importer tool is used to help you with this. The advantage of Keyword Importer over Auto-clustering Function in Keyword Explorer is that you can import your own keyword lists from other research platforms, and then cluster them in WriterZen.

Choose the list of keywords you’d like to import and visualize the data on Keyword Importer. You can then choose to cluster your keywords, which will consume a total amount of credits equal to the number of selected keywords in the list, to find more relevance between your selected keywords. The closer your keywords are related, the higher they tend to rank

Our clustering algorithm is entirely based on SERP analyses of position similarity - meaning we gather SERP-position data of the entire keyword list, look for similarities in position between keywords, and group those with high SERP-position similarity together. This method often requires more computing power to cluster, but the process will ensure the clustering results are 100% accurate.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

The title of these clusters can now directly be incorporated as headings and subheadings for your writing.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow


Step 4: Generate content that gets results using Content Creator

Last but not least, it’s time to put all your research products together! The Content Creator tool will help you build a seamless outline for your content using all your research and topic optimization so far so you can get started with creating your content.

The Content Creator interface is divided into stages - from building the perfect outline using your research to scoring your final content. You can pick and choose the headlines you’d like to include in your content, optimize your body or create a layout with competitive analysis.

In our newest update, we aim to introduce GPT-3 integration within the Outline Builder to ensure that your workflow is smoothened by at least another 50%. With this feature, we will extract key data and high-quality summarisation of context, thus, facilitating you in competition research in regards to the outline and idea scan through.

Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow


Besides having the relevant keyword list as a reference in the Keyword to include tab, you can also import the required keyword list after researching your keywords and complete your text body on the editor. 

=Gain organic traffic easily with the ultimate WriterZen workflow

Once the content is created, the system will score your writing based on task completion and optimization. It will also provide relevant suggestions for you to improve your content overall.

And there you have it!

You’ve successfully created your first, completely optimized article for a topic of your choice using WriterZen! Using these 4 simple steps, you can break down any kind of content creation to its most basic elements, save tonnes of time on research, and still create incredible content that ranks high on SERPs.

We hope this helps you in your content creation journey. Happy writing!


Daniel Nguyen

CEO and Founder of WriterZen

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